
There are three types of anxiety that neurotherapy can address in different ways.


The most common type is what we call reactionary anxiety. This type can not be traced back to birth. Its roots can be traced to dysfunctional family dynamics, abusive relationships, or extremely scary event(s). This type of anxiety is quite predictable. For instance, whenever certain events are discussed, or the person is reminded of something scary, anxiety is triggered. Phobias also fall into this category. 


Another common type of anxiety is called generalized anxiety. Here, one’s brain is overly activated like they drank a gallon of coffee. It is our observation that most people who have this type of anxiety were born with it, yet it becomes more pronounced with the onset of hormonal changes during puberty. It also may manifest with the increased pressures of the work place or beginning a family. If this type of anxiety appears intensely before the age of 5, the child’s mind can not handle the reality of feeling so out-of-control. Their mind fabricates worries as the cause for this overwhelming emotion. It often increases and decreases without cause. When it’s at its worst lost keys will be experienced as dangerous. While at other times missing keys would just be distressing. A person with this type of anxiety usually has parents or grandparents who also suffered from it. They usually dislike caffeine or activities with a quite a bit of stimulation because their brains are already over stimulated. 


A third type of anxiety stems from one’s brain being too slowed down. We are not referring to being slowed down intellectually. These people often take on excessive responsibilities, risky behaviors, or chronic worrying as a way to artificially elevate their arousal levels. They’re often considered adrenalin junkies. When things slow down, they literally fall asleep.

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